Why do I get Internal error 19:133:0 when using c-treeRTG?

Question ID : 32
Created on 2009-08-28 at 4:27 PM
Author : Veryant Support [support@veryant.com]

Online URL : http://support.veryant.com/support/phpkb/question.php?ID=32


With iscobol.file.index=ctreej or iscobol.ismigrate_output_file_index=ctreej, I get an error "Internal error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: initERROR 19:133:0".

This started happening recently. What changed?
How do I fix it?


An error 19:133 indicates that the c-tree server is not running, or that the client cannot connect to the server specified in the ctree.conf file or with iscobol.file.index.server.

First, start or restart the c-tree server with the proper permissions (you may need to be admin or sudo, depending on where c-treeRTG was downloaded).

If that doesn't resolve the problem, check your configuration file (either ctree.conf or your iscobol properties file, or both) and make sure the name of your server matches the SERVER_NAME specified in ctsrvr.cfg.

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