GIT Server (Linux) - Install and Configuration
Estimated Reading Time: 2 MinutesThis document is based on Linux version Centos7 and windows client with isCOBOL release 2017 R2 build#910.8-20170925-24471 and IDE version #135_8.
Section 1. Setup the ServerGIT is packaged with CentOS 7. What most internet docs do not inform you is the prerequisites required prior to setting up GIT. You must setup a non-root user. Next you edit the /etc/sudouser file and add that user to this file. I also uncommented many of the other options. NOTE: Edit this file only with visudo. Useful article:
Upon attempting several web sites and following their instructions, I found there is a conflict if you are using XRDP services. You may disable this during the setup by performing the following command:
#yum-config-manager --save --setopt=xrdp.skip_if_unavailable=trueUseful article: After performing that step, I upgraded my GIT installation successfully.
[root@localhost etc]# yum install git [root@localhost etc]# git --version git version many researches and attempts, I was finally able to perform the following steps:
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" sudo yum install gettext-devel openssl-devel perl-CPAN perl-devel zlib-develSection 2. Setup
Now that you have git installed, you will need to submit some information about yourself so that commit messages will be generated with the correct information attached. To do so, use the git configcommand to provide the name and email address that you would like to have embedded into your commits:
git config --global "Your Name" git config --global ""To confirm that these configurations were added successfully, we can see all the configuration items that have been set by typing:
git config --listSection 3. GIT HUB
Create account on git hub Add git perspective to ide Create project in ide Right click on project ->Tesm->share and select GIT Open github desktop Add existing repository and whamo... Pushed changes to hub successfully... does this automatically from local repos