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Send SMS from isCOBOL using Twilio

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

If you find yourself needing to send SMS messages from an isCOBOL application, there are several ways to accomplish this by using a third-party API. For example, Twilio offers a widely-used and robust solution.

To use the Twilio API, you'll need to create an account with them and sign up for their service. They offer a trial version, which is a good way to get started and familiarize yourself with the platform.

Once you have an account set up, sign up for your API credentials and the JAR library needed to connect to the API. Twilio provides detailed instructions on how to do this, and they offer a variety of SDKs and helper libraries to help you get started.

The next step is to copy the Java sample provided by Twilio and convert it to isCOBOL OOP. This involves adapting the code to work within the isCOBOL environment, but fortunately, Twilio's sample code provides a good starting point.

Once you've converted the code to isCOBOL OOP, compile the program and make sure that the JAR library provided by Twilio is included in the CLASSPATH. This will allow your program to connect to the Twilio API and send SMS messages.

As of the time of writing this article, the translation of Twilio's Java example to isCOBOL OOP is attached. However, it's important to note that this code may need to be updated or modified in the future, depending on changes to the Twilio API.

Contact Veryant support for additional information or questions.

Send SMS from isCOBOL using Twilio
  • Attached Files
  • twiliosmsexample.cbl (1.99 KB) 61