How do I get my screens to be the same size and spacing as when I run with ACUCOBOL?

When I run with isCOBOL my Windows are larger and entry-fields are taller than when I run with ACUCOBOL. Also, some of my controls overlap each other where they did not before.

What can I do to get isCOBOL to match the size and spacing that I had before?


The reason for the difference is that isCOBOL uses Java Swing for the GUI and Java Swing uses True Type fonts. To match the ACUCOBOL appearance you must find True Type fonts whose dimensions match those of the system fonts that ACUCOBOL uses by default. Or you can explicitly tell isCOBOL the number of pixels to use for the width and height of a cell.

We have found the following to work the best on Windows:

   iscobol.font.default=Microsoft Sans Serif-Bold-08
   iscobol.font.medium=Microsoft Sans Serif-Bold-08
   iscobol.font.large=Microsoft Sans Serif-Bold-10
   iscobol.font.small=Microsoft Sans Serif-08
You may also need the following:
   iscobol.font.traditional=Fixedsys Excelsior 2.00-11
   iscobol.font.fixed=Fixedsys Excelsior 2.00-11
The "Fixedsys Excelsior 2.00-11" font is supplied in iscobol/samples/issamples/files/fsex2p00_public.ttf

You can install it from the Control Panel.

Or you can set the following properties to force the cell size to be 8 pixels wide by 15 pixels high which works for most cases:

Article ID: 10
Created: August 28, 2009
Last Updated: May 16, 2022
Author: Support KB Author

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