How do I specify isCOBOL, Java or application properties on the command line?

To specify properties for isCOBOL, Java or the application server on the java, iscc, isrun, iscrun, isserver or iscserver command line, use the -J-D option.
For instance:

   iscc -J-Discobol.compiler.const.const1=1 PROG1
The -J option passes the value after it to the JVM.

The -D option passes the value to the runtime framework.

The syntax for these options is to use -J-D followed by property name, equal sign and value without spaces.
For example, to specify the Java encoding as cp858 use the following runtime command line:
   iscrun -J-Dfile.encoding=cp858 PROG1
You can specify multiple properties by repeating the -J-D command line option with a space separator.
For example,
   iscrun -J-Discobol.tracelevel=15 -J-Discobol.logfile=mylog.txt PROG1
A special case is passing memory configurations to the JVM. Because you don't need to send the value to the runtime framework, you would skip the -D option.
For example:
   iscrun -J-Xmx512m PROG1

Article ID: 160
Created: January 3, 2011
Last Updated: May 11, 2022
Author: Support KB Author

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