What compiler options cannot be specified with the >> IMP OPTION compiler directive?

The compiler options will have no effect when they are specified in the source file with the >> IMP OPTION directive:

   -exec, -la, -lf, -lfo, -lo, -od, sf, -st, -sa, -sl, -sv, -smat and -zmf
For example, the following syntax will NOT move the compiled class to the prg folder:
   >> IMP OPTION "-od=prg"
Instead of using the >> IMP OPTION syntax for these unsupported options, add the option to the command line, or list them in your properties file with iscobol.compiler.options.
For example:
   iscc -od=prg myprog.cbl

Article ID: 165
Created: January 14, 2011
Last Updated: October 11, 2023
Author: Support KB Author

Online URL: https://support.veryant.com/phpkb/article.php?id=165