How do I make an isCOBOL program that will run on a mobile device, like iPad?

You have several options for creating applications that run on mobile devices with isCOBOL.

  1. Run your application in WebClient, which has enhanced support for mobile devices with touch screens and virtual keyboards. Using the layout managers and hamburger menus make running your application in different size screens easier.
  2. Use isCOBOL Mobile for Android. Though not a solution for the iOS operating system, you can develop applications for any android environment that uses a COBOL logic backend and JIsam format data files with an HTML5/CSS3 front end written in a UI Framework like jQuery Mobile, Dojo Mobile, or Sencha Touch.
  3. Develop a mobile app using the SDK provided by the mobile device manufacturer or OS provider.
    For example:

    Interoperate with the COBOL application through one of the following technologies:

Article ID: 170
Created: May 18, 2011
Last Updated: July 29, 2022
Author: Support KB Author

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