How can I show an animated gif with isCOBOL?

To make this you can use the label control with the title in an HTML code.

For example

string '<html><img src="file:'   delimited by size
       path-gif                  delimited by trailing space
       '"></img></html>'         delimited by size
       into html-title.

Where "path-gif" is the path of the gif image and tit-html is the variable used for the gif's title.

Into Application/Server environment the HTML code is rendered on the client, so we need to have the gif image on the client.

To make this we can use the "C$COPY" routine to copy the image from the server to the client.

Attached below is a Cobol sample program showing the code used to create the HTML code, and instructions on how to copy the image from the server to the client.

Article ID: 269
Created: April 29, 2016
Last Updated: April 29, 2016
Author: Support KB Author

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