Yes, in version 2019R1 we introduced a new compiler option for this purpose: -sl
This option augments isCOBOL compatibility with other dialects.
It allows AREA B to extend to the end of the line, regardless of line length.
As with other regular compiler options, you need to include it in the compilation string at the command line.
Attached is a program called sl.cbl that you can compile using this command:
iscc -sl sl.cblYou can see that it compiles successfully. Another way of implementing this is with the IMP MARGIN-R IS AFTER END OF RECORD Directive, specifying
>>IMP MARGIN-R IS AFTER END OF RECORDat the top of the source file.
iscc imp-margin.cbl
Article ID: 310
Created: April 10, 2020
Last Updated: April 10, 2020
Author: Support KB Author
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