What are my options if my application depends on ActiveX controls and I want to continue to use those controls when running on Windows?
isCOBOL supports Javabean controls in the GUI, and there are a number of solutions for accessing COM/OLE/ActiveX from within a Java-based application.screen section. 01 mask . 03 GR-TEST JAVA-BEAN LINE 2 COL 2 LINES 28 SIZE 90 ID GR-ID-TEST VISIBLE 1 ENABLED 1 CLSID "VSFlexGridContainer" EVENT-LIST ("vsflexgrid") OBJECT IN FLEXGRID-TEST EVENT JAVA-BEAN-EVENT java-bean-event. if event-type = msg-jb-event set flex-event-obj to event-obj as activex-event evaluate event-data-2 when 100 display "FSCommand event: command = " end-evaluate else set flex-event-obj to event-obj as activex-event end-if.
Article ID: 39
Created: August 31, 2009
Last Updated: August 23, 2022
Author: Support KB Author
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