The START statement creates a cursor, and READ NEXT/PREVIOUS fetches the cursor.
Using the isCOBOL debugger, you can step into the READ NEXT and the source code for the bridge programs generated by edbiis.exe to give you a better understanding of how this works.
By default, each elementary item maps to a separate column in the RDBMS.
In order to read rows ordered by a composite key, the generated code uses multiple cursors successively with different where clauses.
That you can use the EFD USE-GROUP directive to instruct the isCOBOL ESQL Generator to store a composite key in a single column in the table.
See the isCOBOL Evolve documentation, in the Language Reference book, under EFD Directives/USE GROUP Directive for more information.
Here is an example:
With the following FD key:
FD ACC. 01 ACC-REC. 05 ACC-KEY. 10 ACC-ID PIC 9(6). 10 ACC-TY PIC 9(3). 10 ACC-CU PIC 9(3). 10 ACC-BR PIC 9(3). 10 ACC-IN-CD PIC 9(2).If you look at the generated code you will see the following WHERE clauses:
where (ACC_ID = ? and ACC_TY = ? and ACC_CU = ? and ACC_BR = ? and ACC_IN_CD >= ?) where (ACC_ID = ? and ACC_TY = ? and ACC_CU = ? and ACC_BR > ?) where (ACC_ID = ? and ACC_TY = ? and ACC_CU > ?) where (ACC_ID = ? and ACC_TY > ?) where (ACC_ID > ?)so that if ACC-KEY is 00000100200300405 then the code for START ACC KEY NOT < ACC-KEY followed by a READ NEXT loop first uses:
where (ACC_ID = 1 and ACC_TY = 2 and ACC_CU = 3 and ACC_BR = 4 and ACC_IN_CD >= 5) order by ACC_ID, ACC_TY, ACC_BR, ACC_IN_CDand after returning all of the rows in that result set (or if the result set it empty), then the code uses
where (ACC_ID = 1 and ACC_TY = 2 and ACC_CU = 3 and ACC_BR > 4) order by ACC_ID, ACC_TY, ACC_BR, ACC_IN_CDand after returning all of the rows in that result set (or if the result set it empty), then the code uses
where (ACC_ID = 1 and ACC_TY = 2 and ACC_CU > 3) order by ACC_ID, ACC_TY, ACC_BR, ACC_IN_CDand after returning all of the rows in that result set (or if the result set it empty), then the code uses
where (ACC_ID = 1 and ACC_TY > 2) order by ACC_ID, ACC_TY, ACC_BR, ACC_IN_CDand after returning all of the rows in that result set (or if the result set it empty), then the code uses
where (ACC_ID > 1) order by ACC_ID, ACC_TY, ACC_BR, ACC_IN_CD
Article ID: 71
Created: September 2, 2009
Last Updated: December 21, 2022
Author: Support KB Author
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