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Can you recommend an XML editor?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes


I need an XML editor and authoring tool that can create, read, write, edit XML and XML Schema files.
I would also like to be able to create sample XML data given an XML Schema Definition.
Can you recommend at least one free and one commercial tool?


You can use Eclipse's XML editor included with the isCOBOL IDE.
Here are the steps to create a new XML file in your project:

  1. Right click on your project, select "New", then "other" at the bottom of the pop-up menu's list
  2. Click on "XML" and choose the type of document you want to add.
  3. Move through the prompts and click on Finish when you're done.
The XML editor is color coded, validates as you type, and automatically gives you closing elements. There are a lot of options to help you create and edit your XML. For instance, to format the text, right click in the work area and choose "Source", then "Format".
You can set your behavior and look preferences through the Window/Preferences/XML menu area.

Other alternatives are available. There are many Eclipse plug-ins for XML editors that can be added to your isCOBOL IDE. Go to the Help menu, click on Eclipse Marketplace, and search for XML.

You can also download and use a separate XML editor, not associated with the IDE. The best commercial tool we have tested is oXygen XML Editor which can be downloaded from

Can you recommend an XML editor?

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