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How to tell the Debugger to pause with a different key than the Pause key?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes
The Pause key on the keyboard makes the debugger to re-enter in debug mode after a "continue" command has been issued.

On some laptops the Pause key is missing from the keyboard, therefore you need to associate the same function to another key.

The Pause function is activated by the exception value 65535.
With this rule in mind, you can associate the exception value 65535 to a key of your choice by using isCOBOL configuration properties.

For example, if you want to use F6 instead of Pause in order to re-enter in debug mode, launch the Debugger as follows

iscrun -d -Discobol.key.f6=exception=65535 MYPROGRAM 
How to tell the Debugger to pause with a different key than the Pause key?

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