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When can I get the " Permission denied:connect" message? And how can it be avoided?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

The " Permission denied: connect" exception message may happen when you are working in Application Server or with a client/server environment via VPN connection.

This message is returned because isCOBOL uses the IPv4 type of sockets and support for IPv6 sockets was added to Windows in Java 7 and above. So, when you attempt to connect to an IPv4 address, "behind the scenes" Java will use an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
If the VPN product doesn't support IPv6 sockets, you may get this exception.

For example, if you want to connect via thin-client and you use any of the following commands:

   iscclient -hostname host -port port progname

   java com.iscobol.gui.client.Client -hostname host -port port progname
Or if you want to access the Veryant UDBC server started on the server machine and you run the command:
   visql -cstring jdbc:veryant:udbc-server-ip:udbc-server-port:database -u user
To solve this problem you need to use the java property, telling Java you want it to try to use Ipv4 when available.
Here are some examples:
   iscclient -hostname MAIN_PROGR

   java com.iscobol.gui.client.Client -hostname MAIN_PROGR

   visql -cstring jdbc:veryant: -u admin

When can I get the " Permission denied:connect" message? And how can it be avoided?

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