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What compile options should I use for a program written for Acucobol-GT?

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When compiling source files of an ACUCOBOL-GT application, the following options should always be used:

    -ca -crv -smat -wlu

If your ACUCOBOL version is 7.0 or later, the following options should always be used:


If you didn't use the -Cf option with ACUCOBOL-GT, the following options should always be used:


If you didn't use -Ck option with the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler, then the following option should be used with the isCOBOL compiler:


If you didn't use -Za option with the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler, then the following option should be used with the isCOBOL compiler:


If you didn't use -Zz option with the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler, then the following option should be used with the isCOBOL compiler:


If your application uses characters that takes more than one byte in memory (e.g. chinese characters) and you want that string operations like INSPECT, STRING and UNSTRING work bytewise rather than characterwise, then the following option should be used as well:


If you have level 78 items defined just below group items to measure their size, then the following option should be used:


IF you have $ signs in COPY statements in order to reference environment variables in the copybook path, then the following option should be used:


Use the following option if you want to include leading zeros when displaying numeric items to a terminal, console or command-prompt. Do not use -cdlz with programs that display a graphical user interface.


Some ACUCOBOL-GT options are available in isCOBOL with the same name and produce the same effect. Some others are not available in isCOBOL, but you can still get the same effect, often as default behavior. The following lists the known ACUCOBOL-GT options along with their equivalent in the isCOBOL environment, if available:

Acucobol-GT option         isCOBOL solution
-a                         Default behavior
-Cb                        Default behavior
-Ce                        The same -ce=extensions
-Cf                        Default behavior
-Ci                        Use -ci -dcd
-Ck                        Default behavior
-Cm                        Not available. isCOBOL has an option named -cm, but it's for other purposes 
-Cp                        Default behavior
-Cr                        Default behavior
-Cv                        The same -cv
-Da#                       Use -align=#
-Dca                       The same -dca
-Dci                       The same -dci
-D6                        Add the following entry to the configuration file: iscobol.compiler.regexp="(?i)(pics+9([0-9]+)s+)(packed-decimal)" "$1 comp-6"
-Dcm                       The same -dcm
-Dd31                      Default behavior
-Df                        Use -cv
-Di                        The same -di
-Dm                        Use -dcdm
-Ds                        The same -ds
-Dz                        The same -dz
-e                         Use -eo=folder
                           Files are always named ProgramName.err
-Fa                        Default behavior
-Fo                        Use -efo=folder
-Fx                        Use -efd              
                           isCOBOL generates dictionaries in XML format. Acucobol-GT's XFD and isCOBOL XML are not compatible
-Ga                        Use either -d or -dx compiler options
-Lf                        The same option is available, but isCOBOL list files are not in ANSI format by default. 
                           Use -lf and -la combined
-Lo                        Use -lo=folder
                           Files are always named ProgramName.list
-Ls                        Use -ld
-o                         Use -od=folder
                           Files are always named PROGRAMNAME.class
-Rc                        The same -rc=word1,word2
-Rw                        The same -rw=words
-S#                        Use -stl=#
-Sa                        The same -sa and avoid using -smat
-Si                        Add IF Directive to the source
-Sp                        The same -sp=folders compiler option
-Sr                        Use -stl=8,4
-St                        The same -st and avoid using -smat
-Sx                        Add IF Directive to the source
-v                         The same -v
-Va                        Not available. isCOBOL has an option named -va, but it's for other purposes
-Vc                        Default behavior
-Vh                        The same -vh 
-Vl                        Default behavior unless -vh is used
-Vu                        The same -vu
-Vx                        The same -vx
-Za                        Set iscobol.array_check=1 in the configuration
-Zd                        Use either -d or -dx compiler options
-Zi                        The same -zi
-Zo                        Use -efo=folder
-Zr#                       Use either -pt0, pt1 or -pt2 compiler options according to your needs
-Zx                        Use -efd
                           isCOBOL generates dictionaries in XML format. Acucobol-GT's XFD and isCOBOL XML are not compatible
-Zy                        The same -zy
-Zz                        Default behavior
Compatibility with ACUCOBOL-GT's compiler options are constantly being improved, so it's best to look at the "Transitioning from ACUCOBOL-GT" manual in the isCOBOL documentation set.
What compile options should I use for a program written for Acucobol-GT?

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