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How can I generate QR codes from COBOL?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes
QR codes can be generated as bitmap files using the ZXing (Zebra Crossing) barcode scanning library.
All the file types supported by the W$BITMAP routine can be used.

Here are the steps to compile and run the sample COBOL program (QRSAMPLE.cbl) which will generate a png file representing the QR code, show this png on video and allow you to print it.

  • Download the latest jar of 'core' and 'javase' from
    At the moment this article is written, the latest jars are core-3.4.1.jar and javase-3.4.1.jar
  • Copy the two jars to the 'jars' directory of the isCOBOL SDK
  • Copy QRSAMPLE.cbl to a directory, open the isCOBOL Shell and change to that directory
  • Compile with the command:
  • iscc QRSAMPLE.cbl
  • Run with the command:
    iscrun QRSAMPLE

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Click here to view the COBOL source.

How can I generate QR codes from COBOL?

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