Where do I get additional information about file status 9D?


I got a file status 9D when trying to use c-treeRTG. Where can I get additional information? Where are the file status codes documented?


To find additional information, create a log file for the c-tree client.

If you are using ctree.conf to configure c-tree, add the following to the end of ctree.conf;

   <log file="mylog.txt">
If you are using an isCOBOL configuration file (ex: iscobol.properties) add these three variables to your properties file:
   iscobol.file.index.log.file=<Path of the log file>/mylog.txt
The log file contains c-treeRTG error codes. You can read more information about them in isCOBOL's documentation under "Troubleshooting", then "Error Codes" in the c-treeRTG for isCOBOL manual, or directly from Faircom's documentation using the link in the "External References" section of the same manual.

Article ID: 11
Created: August 28, 2009
Last Updated: May 16, 2022
Author: Support KB Author

Online URL: https://support.veryant.com/support/phpkb/article.php?id=11