Does isCOBOL support Crystal Reports or other Report Writers?

isCOBOL can run any Crystal Reports executable with a CALL "C$SYSTEM" or similar library routine, passing a text or comma delimited file with basic level information.

We have had success in the past using the ReportViewerBean included in the Crystal Report Java Runtime, previewing a report in a JavaBean graphical control.
Contact Veryant Support for more information about this.

Crystal Reports and similar report programs can access data through JDBC or ODBC, so the isCOBOL ODBC product would make your Jisam data available to Crystal Reports. If you use c-tree you can use c-tree's ODBC or JDBC driver.
If your data is in a RDBMS, isCOBOL can also access the data for a third-party report writing program.

Several of our customers choose Jasper Reports for their report writing. Jasper is a java-based report designer and writer, and highly compatible with isCOBOL

Article ID: 176
Created: June 28, 2011
Last Updated: October 11, 2023
Author: Support KB Author

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