How can I encode a URL String?

You can work with the OOP statements using the Java class named "", available with the Java Runtime, useful to encode a URL string:

The following is an example of a COBOL program that encodes a string using UTF-8 as the encoding scheme:

program-id. pencode.
configuration section.
 class jencoder as ""
 class jstring as "java.lang.String"
 class jencodeEx as ""

working-storage section.
77 w-jencoder object reference jencoder.
77 w-string object reference jstring.
77 var pic x any length.

procedure division.
    set w-string to jstring:>new("The string ü@#foo-bar")
    set var to jencoder:>encode(w-string, "UTF-8")
    display var
 catch jencodeEx
  display exception-object
 stop run.

Article ID: 211
Created: October 25, 2013
Last Updated: April 15, 2024
Author: Support KB Author

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