Where can I learn more about Classpath, the Java class loader, JDK tools and utilities?

Veryant's documentation is a good place to start.
There is a section on isCOBOL and Java in the isCOBOL Evolve documentation, under "Introduction", "The Basics".
One of the chapters is about class loading. The 2022 version of that documentation is at: Class loading (veryant.com)

There is a good article on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classpath

Setting the Classpath
Solaris and Linux


How classes are found
Solaris, Linux and Windows

JDK Tools and Utilities

Article ID: 22
Created: August 28, 2009
Last Updated: July 4, 2022
Author: Support KB Author

Online URL: https://support.veryant.com/support/phpkb/article.php?id=22