UNC Paths with Browser Control don't work. What can I do to solve it?

Please add the style No-Msg-Before-Navigate to your web-browser control..

This style prevents the generation of the MSG-BEFORE-NAVIGATE event and it is useful in that cases:
- the web site that you’re navigating must send data thru POST (e.g. a login form) and the MSG-BEFORE-NAVIGATE event handling performed by isCOBOL causes parameters to get lost.

- the Web-Browser is used to browse disk folders, by setting the Value property to a URL that begins with “file://”

- the Web-Browser is used to show a file with an embedded component, for example if you load a PDF file that is rendered through the Acrobat ActiveX embedded in the browser.

This style is automatically applied if the iscobol.gui.webbrowser.no_msg_before_navigate (boolean) is set to true in the configuration.

Article ID: 252
Created: September 14, 2015
Last Updated: February 1, 2016
Author: Support KB Author

Online URL: https://support.veryant.com/support/phpkb/article.php?id=252