Did you know how to customize color of the borders of some controls?

You can make this using the property BORDER-COLOR in all controls with borders.
This property, supported on all controls that have the border when BOXED style is set.
It supports all cobol color values and also RGB colors.
The following example shows how to use the new property BORDER-COLOR:

  03 efname entry-field line 2 col 12 size 30 
            border-color 11
  03 efaddress entry-field line 4 col 12 size 30 
            border-color 13.

The image shows the final result.

Article ID: 280
Created: September 20, 2016
Last Updated: September 20, 2016
Author: Support KB Author

Online URL: https://support.veryant.com/support/phpkb/article.php?id=280