Did you know you can easily align controls in the IDE Screen Painter and Report Painter?

Starting from the version 2016R2 the isCOBOL IDE distributions implement the Snap To Guides feature in the Screen Painter and Report Painter.
This feature simplifies the alignment of components when designing a screen or report.
While you drag the control over the screen, some red lines appear in real time allowing you to know if the current position matches with the line or column of nearby controls.

The feature is active by default in brand new workspaces created with the latest IDEs, but it's disabled if you open a workspace that was created by a previous IDE.
In this case you can enable it as follows:
- Click on Window in the menu bar
- Choose Preferences
- Choose isCOBOL > Screen Designer from the tree
- Mark the Snap To Guides option

Article ID: 285
Created: July 4, 2017
Last Updated: July 4, 2017
Author: Support KB Author

Online URL: https://support.veryant.com/support/phpkb/article.php?id=285