In an Application Server environment, the AS$COPY library routine copies a file from the server to the client or vice versa.
The AS$COPY library routine is deprecated and supported only for compatibility to previous versions. The C$COPY routine should be used instead.
 CALL "AS$COPY" USING sourceFile 
PIC X(n)
Specifies the name of the file to be copied. In an Application Server environment, when the file name starts with "CLIENT:", the file will be copied from the client.
PIC X(n)
Specifies the name of the destination file. In an Application Server environment, when the file name starts with "CLIENT:", the file will be copied to the client.
Return code:
returnCode can be any numeric data item and provides additional information:
Operation successful, the file has been copied.
An error occurred, the file has not been copied.
Example - Copy a report text file from the server to the client
*> define serverReport and clientReport variables as pic x(n)
move "/myapp/myreports/custlist.txt" to serverReport
move "CLIENT:c:/tmp/reports/custlist.txt" to clientReport
call "as$copy" using serverReport