The C$SWR library routine allows you to display quickly a large amount of information containing multiple display attributes.
 CALL "C$SCWR" USING displayDesc
Group item
Group data item defined as follows:
DISPLAY-VERSION must be set to a value of 0.
DISPLAY-UNIT is the unit number of the terminal to which the display is directed. This value must be set to 0.
DISPLAY-LINE is the one-relative line number in the current window where the text is to be displayed. If set to a value of 0, the display begins on the current line.
DISPLAY-POSITION is the one-relative column number in the current window where the text is to be displayed. If set to a value of 0, the display begins at the current column.
DISPLAY-LENGTH is the number of characters of text to display. If set to a value of 0 or omitted, the actual length of text-characters is used.
DISPLAY-EXCEPTION-CODE is set to a value of 0 if this function succeeds. Otherwise, one of the below exception codes is returned.
DISPLAY-EXCEPTION-VALUE is set to a value of 0 if this function succeeds. Otherwise, one of the below exception codes is returned.
Exception codes:
1: Invalid DISPLAY-VERSION. This data item must be set to a value of 0.
2: Invalid or missing parameters.
3: DISPLAY-LINE is greater than the number of lines on the window or screen.
4: DISPLAY-POSITION is greater than the number of columns on the screen.
PIC X(n)
Specifies the characters to be displayed.
Example - Display “hello” at line 2 position 2
 move 2 to display-line.
 move 2 to display-position.
 move "hello" to text-buffer.
 call "c$scwr" using display-description,