The C$XML routine allows you to deal with XML documents. It allows you to parse documents and change their content as well as create new documents from scratch.
When parsing the XML document, referenced DTD (Document Type Definition) and XSD (XML Schema definition) are considered. If the referenced DTD can’t be found due to invalid or unreachable location, then it’s ignored.
When writing content to the XML document, the following data conversion rules are applied:
Text is encoded using the character set specified by the iscobol.encoding * property
Trailing spaces in alphanumeric parameters are trimmed
Leading zeros are kept in numeric values
             GIVING returnCode
Is the function to be executed. Valid values, defined in ..., are:
Opens a XML file and returns the XML tree
Releases memory used by the XML tree
Returns the first child of a given element
Returns the next sibling of a given element
Returns the parent element of a given element
Returns the name and the CDATA of a given element
Returns the number of attributes of a given element
Returns the name and the value of a given attribute
Returns the last error
Opens a XML file without parsing it
Parses a string as XML
Parses the next record in the element
Returns the previous sibling of a given element
Creates an empty XML document in memory
Returns the attribute with the given name along with its value
Returns the child element with the given name
Returns the child element with the given CDATA
Returns the child element with the given attribute
Returns the child element with the given attribute value
Returns the sibling element with the given name
Returns the sibling element with the given CDATA
Returns the sibling element with the given attribute
Returns the sibling element with the given attribute value
Returns the comment associated to a given element or document
Changes the CDATA of a given element
Changes the value of a given attribute
Adds a new child item to the given element
Adds a new sibling item to the given element
Adds an attribute to a given element
Adds a comment to a given element or document
Appends a new comment to a given element or document
Deletes an attribute from an element
Deletes an element
Deletes comments from an element
Writes a XML document to file
Writes a String
Retrieves the number of processing instructions
Retrieves processing instructions
Sets processing instructions
Returns the version of the XML document
Changes the version of the XML document
Returns the encoding of the XML document
Changes the encoding of the XML document
Returns the value of the standalone pseudo-attribute
Changes the value of the standalone pseudo-attribute
Return code:
The definition and meaning of the returnCode depend on the opcode.
Example - Read the content of file.xml and show it on the console.
       working-storage section.
       copy "iscobol.def".
       77  xml-handle                          handle.
       77  elem-handle                         handle.
       77  next-elem-handle                    handle.
       77  xml-item-name                       pic x(32).
       77  xml-item-value                      pic x(32).
       77  attr-count                          pic 99.
       77  i                                   pic 99.
       77  attr-name                           pic x(32).
       77  attr-value                          pic x(32).
       procedure division.
           call "c$xml" using cxml-parse-file
                       giving xml-handle.
           call "c$xml" using cxml-get-first-child
                       giving elem-handle.
           perform until exit
             initialize xml-item-name, xml-item-value
             call "c$xml" using cxml-get-data
             display "elem. name: " xml-item-name
             display "elem. value: " xml-item-value
             call "c$xml" using cxml-get-attribute-count
                         giving attr-count       
             display "attr. count: " attr-count
             if attr-count > 0
                perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > attr-count
                  call "c$xml" using cxml-get-attribute
                  display "attr. name: " attr-name
                  display "attr. value: " attr-value
             call "c$xml" using cxml-get-next-sibling 
                         giving next-elem-handle
             destroy elem-handle
             if next-elem-handle = 0
                exit perform
                move next-elem-handle to elem-handle
           display ""
           call "c$xml" using cxml-release-parser
           accept omitted.