The R$IO routine provides a low-level interface to relative files allowing them to be managed without knowing their FD.
The configuration properties iscobol.file.relative and iscobol.file.relative.FileName specify which file handler is used.
The following configuration properties are ignored: iscobol.file.case, iscobol.file.prefix and iscobol.file.relative_file_prefix.
Note - due to the use of external data items, this routine is not thread safe.
 CALL "R$IO" USING opCode 
            GIVING returnCode
Specifies the file handling function to be performed.
Valid values, defined in isfilesys.def are:
Opens an existing file
Closes an opened file
Creates an empty file
Reads a record from a file
Reads the next record in a file
Reads the previous record in a file
Sets the file pointer on a specific record
Writes data into file
Rewrites data into file
Deletes data from file
Unlocks all locked records in a file
Parameters depend on the opcode.
Return code:
returnCode contains useful information such as file handles and record sizes or zero if an error occurs. Check the external variable F_ERRNO for additional information on the error.
Example - Create a relative file, write and read records from it
 working-storage section.
 copy "isfilesys.def".
 77  f                       handle .
 77  file-io                 pic x(128).
 77  rec-buffer              pic x(22).
 01  rio-lparms.
     03 max-rec-sz           pic 999.
     03 filler               pic x value ",".
     03 min-rec-sz           pic 999.
 77  key-val                 pic 9(5value 0.
 procedure division.
 *> creates the file
 *> this is the FD
 *>  01 record.
 *>   03 r-key    pic 99.
 *>   03 r-data   pic x(20).
   display "Creating file..."
   move "c:\tmp\myrelfile" to file-io
   move 22 to max-rec-sz, min-rec-sz
   set r-make-function to true                      
   call "r$io" using rio-function, file-io, rio-lparms
   if return-code = 0
      display message "R$IO Error: make : " F_ERRNO 
   *> opening 
   display "Opening file..."
   set r-open-function to true
   move fio to open-mode
   move 22  to max-rec-size, min-rec-size
   call "r$io" using rio-function, file-io, open-mode 
                     max-rec-size, min-rec-size
   if return-code > 0
      move return-code to f
      display message "R$IO Error: open : " F_ERRNO 
   *> record writing
   move 0 to key-val.
   display "Writing into file..."  
   set r-write-function to true
   perform 3 times
      add 1 to key-val
      move "00xxx" to rec-buffer     
      call "r$io" using rio-function, f, rec-buffer, 
                                max-rec-size, key-val
      if return-code = 0
         display message "R$IO Error: write : " F_ERRNO 
   *> start
   display "Getting the first record..." 
   set r-start-function to true
   set f-equals       to true
   move 1             to key-val
   call "r$io" using rio-function, f, key-val, start-mode
   if return-code = 0
      display message "R$IO Error: start : " F_ERRNO 
   *> read next
   display "Reading next record..."
   set r-next-function to true
   call "r$io" using rio-function, f, rec-buffer 
   if return-code = 0
      display message "R$IO Error: next : " F_ERRNO 
   *> close
   display "Closing file..."
   set r-close-function to true
   call "r$io" using rio-function, f