CALL "WIN$PRINTER" USING WINPRINT-SET-ATTRIBUTE attributeName attributeValue GIVING returnCode |
attributeName | PIC X(n) | Identifies the attribute to set. Valid values are listed below. |
attributeValue | PIC X(n) | Value for the attribute |
Attribute | Description and possible values |
AUTHOR | The author of the PDF document. It can be any text. |
ENCRYPTION | Numeric bitwise value where each bit sets a specific feature. You can rely on the following data-items, defined in isprint.def, to activate the desired feature: 77 pdfcrypt-type pic 9(9) value 0. 78 pdfcrypt-no value 0. 78 pdfcrypt-std-40 value 1. 78 pdfcrypt-std-128 value 2. 78 pdfcrypt-aes-128 value 3. 78 pdfcrypt-no-metadata value x#08. 78 pdfcrypt-embedded-files-only value x#10. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-printing value x#0100. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-modify-content value x#0200. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-copy value x#0400. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-modify-annotations value x#0800. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-fill-in value x#1000. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-screenreaders value x#2000. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-assembly value x#4000. 78 pdfcrypt-allow-degraded-printing value x#8000. 78 pdfcrypt-all-permissions value x#FF00. If this value is set to 0 then no encryption takes place. Permissions are applied only if combined with a valid encryption, otherwise all-permissions is assumed. Usage example: add pdfcrypt-std-128 pdfcrypt-allow-printing giving pdfcrypt-type call "win$printer" using winprint-set-attribute "ENCRYPTION" pdfcrypt-type The resulting PDF will be printable, but it will not be possible to add annotations or copy the text to clipboard. |
EXPIRES | The custom property "Expires". It can be any text. |
FONT_FOLDER | The folders where the fonts used in the PDF document are installed. You can specify multiple folders separated by pipe, e.g. "C:\myCustomFonts|C:\WINDOWS\Fonts". The fonts loaded from these folders are not marked as "embedded". The following rule applies to fonts loaded via W$CREATEFONT: if the font referenced in the print job is not installed in the system, only the specific TTF file loaded by the routine is included in the PDF. If the font is installed in the system, instead, then also alternative versions of the font may be included in the PDF in order to render bold and italic styles. |
FONT_FOLDER_EMBED | The folders where the fonts used in the PDF document are installed. You can specify multiple folders separated by pipe, e.g. "C:\myCustomFonts|C:\WINDOWS\Fonts". The fonts loaded from these folders are marked as "embedded". The following rule applies to fonts loaded via W$CREATEFONT: if the font referenced in the print job is not installed in the system, only the specific TTF file loaded by the routine is included in the PDF. If the font is installed in the system, instead, then also alternative versions of the font may be included in the PDF in order to render bold and italic styles. |
JPEG | The compression applied to images in the PDF document. It can be "0" if you want to keep images unchanged (default) or it can range from "1" to "100" to indicate the image quality, where "1" is the lowest quality and "100" is the highest quality. When this attribute is set, all images are internally translated to jpeg; this will remove transparency, if any. |
KEYWORDS | The keywords of the PDF document. It can be any text. |
OWNER_PASSWORD | The password of the owner of the document. If this value is not set, then a random password is created. It works only along with ENCRYPTION. |
PDFA | Creates a PDF/A document following a specific standard. Possible values are "PDF/A-1A" and "PDF/A-1B", case insensitive. This attribute must be set in conjunction with either FONT_FOLDER or FONT_FOLDER_EMBED as all the fonts must be available. |
SUBJECT | The subject of the PDF document, it can be any text. |
TITLE | The title of the PDF document, it can be any text. |
USER_PASSWORD | The password of the user of the document. If this value is not set, then a default password is used as specified in the PDF specifics. It works only along with ENCRYPTION. |
1 | Operation successful |
WPRTERR-UNSUPPORTED | The WIN$PRINTER library routine is not supported. |
WPRTERR-BAD-ARG | The WIN$PRINTER library routine has been called with bad parameters. |