WINPRINT-DATA | Group Item | Structure that contains the information to be passed to the function. This group item, defined in isprint.def, has the following structure: 01 winprint-data. 03 wprtdata-text-color pic 9(9) comp-5. wprtdata-text-color Specifies the color to be used, in RGB format. Color value is computed as follows: Red + Green * 256 + Blue * 65536. Red, Green and Blue range from 0 to 255. A more convenient way to define the color is to use the hexadecimal notation X#RRGGBB. To print a light gray text you may use one of the following, they are equivalent: compute wprtdata-text-color = 192 * 65536 + 192 * 256 + 192 or move X#C0C0C0 to wprtdata-text-color For the most common colors, the following constants can be used: 78 wprt-color-black value x#000000. 78 wprt-color-red value x#0000FF. 78 wprt-color-green value x#00FF00. 78 wprt-color-blue value x#FF0000. 78 wprt-color-yellow value x#00FFFF. 78 wprt-color-magenta value x#FF00FF. 78 wprt-color-cyan value x#FFFF00. 78 wprt-color-white value x#FFFFFF. Once the background color is set, it remains in use until the next background setting; it can be reset by setting the white color as background (x#FFFFFF or 16777215). Trailing spaces will not have a background color except when a WRITE WITH NO CONVERSION is used. |
1 | Operation successful. |
WPRTERR-UNSUPPORTED | The WIN$PRINTER library routine is not supported. |
WPRTERR-BAD-ARG | The WIN$PRINTER library routine has been called with bad parameters. |