*>***** Copyright (c) 2005 - 2021 Veryant. Users of isCOBOL      *****<*
*>***** may freely modify and redistribute this program.         *****<*
01  terminal-abilities.
    03  terminal-name                            pic x(10).
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-reverse                          value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-blink                            value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-underline                        value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-dual-intensity                   value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-132-column-mode                  value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-color                            value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-line-drawing                     value "Y".
    03  number-of-screen-lines                   pic 9(3).
    03  number-of-screen-columns                 pic 9(3).
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-local-printer                    value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-visible-attributes               value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-graphical-interface              value "Y".
    03  usable-screen-height                     pic x(2comp-x.
    03  usable-screen-width                      pic x(2comp-x.
    03  physical-screen-height                   pic x(2comp-x.
    03  physical-screen-width                    pic x(2comp-x.
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  is-remote                            value "Y".
    03  client-machine-name                      pic x(64).
    03  filler                                   pic x.
    03  client-user-id                           pic x(20).
01  system-information.
    03  operating-system                         pic x(10).
        88  os-is-msdos                          value "ms-dos".
        88  os-is-os2                            value "OS/2".
        88  os-is-vms                            values "vms""vax/vms".
        88  os-is-unix                           value "Linux""AIX""HP-UX""SunOS""Solaris".
        88  os-is-linux                          value "Linux".
        88  os-is-aos                            value "aos/vs".
        88  os-is-windows                        values "Windows 95""Windows 98""Windows Me".
        88  os-is-win-nt                         values "Windows NT""Windows 20""Windows XP""Windows Vi""Windows 7""WINDOWS""Windows Se""Windows 8""Windows 8.""Windows 10".
        88  os-is-win-family                     values "Windows NT""Windows 95""Windows 98""Windows Me""Windows 20""Windows XP""Windows Vi""WINDOWS""Windows 7""Windows Se""Windows 8""Windows 8.""Windows 10".
        88  os-is-amos                           value "amos".
        88  os-is-mpe                            value "MPE/iX".
        88  os-is-mpeix                          value "MPE/iX".
        88  os-is-mac                            value "Mac OS""Mac OS X".
    03  user-id                                  pic x(12).
    03  station-id                               pic x(12).
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-indexed-read-previous            value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-relative-read-previous           value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  can-test-input-status                value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  is-multi-tasking                     value "Y".
    03  runtime-version.
        05  runtime-major-version                pic 99.
        05  runtime-minor-version                pic 99.
        05  runtime-release                      pic 99.
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  is-plugin                            value "Y".
    03  serial-number                            pic x(20).
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  has-large-file-support               value "Y".
    03  filler                                   pic x.
    03  filler                                   pic x.
        88  is-64-bit                            value "Y".
78 runenv-standalone                             value 1.
78 runenv-charva                                 value 2.
78 runenv-remote-call                            value 3.
78 runenv-thin-client                            value 4.
78 runenv-web-client                             value 5.
78 runenv-wd2                                    value 6.
78 runenv-j2ee                                   value 7.
78 runenv-mobile                                 value 8.
78  black                                        value 1.
78  blue                                         value 2.
78  green                                        value 3.
78  cyan                                         value 4.
78  red                                          value 5.
78  magenta                                      value 6.
78  brown                                        value 7.
78  white                                        value 8.
78  dark-gray                                    value 9.
78  bright-blue                                  value 10.
78  bright-green                                 value 11.
78  bright-cyan                                  value 12.
78  bright-red                                   value 13.
78  bright-magenta                               value 14.
78  yellow                                       value 15.
78  bright-white                                 value 16.
78  bckgrnd-black                                value 32.
78  bckgrnd-blue                                 value 64.
78  bckgrnd-green                                value 96.
78  bckgrnd-cyan                                 value 128.
78  bckgrnd-red                                  value 160.
78  bckgrnd-magenta                              value 192.
78  bckgrnd-brown                                value 224.
78  bckgrnd-white                                value 256.
78  bckgrnd-dark-gray                            value 288.
78  bckgrnd-bright-blue                          value 320.
78  bckgrnd-bright-green                         value 352.
78  bckgrnd-bright-cyan                          value 384.
78  bckgrnd-bright-red                           value 416.
78  bckgrnd-bright-magenta                       value 448.
78  bckgrnd-yellow                               value 480.
78  bckgrnd-bright-white                         value 512.
78  color-reverse                                value 1024.
78  frgrnd-low                                   value 2048.
78  frgrnd-high                                  value 4096.
78  color-underline                              value 8192.
78  color-blink                                  value 16384.
78  color-protected                              value 32768.
78  bckgrnd-low                                  value 65536.
78  bckgrnd-high                                 value 131072.
78  window-bright-white                          value 131328.
78  csys-async                                   value 1.
78  csys-maximized                               value 4.
78  csys-minimized                               value 8.
78  csys-hidden                                  value 32.
78  csys-shell                                   value 64.
78  csys-desktop                                 value 128.
78  listenv-open                                 value 1.
78  listenv-next                                 value 2.
78  listenv-close                                value 3.
78  listdir-open                                 value 1.
78  listdir-next                                 value 2.
78  listdir-close                                value 3.
78  listusr-open                                 value 1.
78  listusr-next                                 value 2.
78  listusr-close                                value 3.
78  listlock-open                                value 1.
78  listlock-next                                value 2.
78  listlock-close                               value 3.
78  get-blob-from-file                           value 1.
78  put-blob-into-file                           value 2.
78  free-blob-handle                             value 3.
78  edbi-disconnect-connection                   value 1.
78  edbi-disconnect-all                          value 2.
78  wd2-get-user-agent                           value 1.
78  wd2-get-browser-name                         value 2.
78  wd2-get-session-value                        value 1.
78  wd2-put-session-value                        value 2.
78  auserinfo-set                                value 1.
78  auserinfo-get                                value 2.
78  auserinfo-clear                              value 3.
78  crep-case-insensitive                        value 1.
78  crep-left-trimmed                            value 2.
78  crep-right-trimmed                           value 4.
78  wflush-refresh                               value 1.
78  wflush-inhibit                               value 256.
78  wflush-allow                                 value 257.
78  wflush-disable-ui                            value 512.
78  wflush-enable-ui                             value 513.
78  wkbuf-add-to-end                             value 1.
78  wkbuf-add-to-beginning                       value 2.
78  wkbuf-clear-buffer                           value 3.
78  wkbuf-start-recording                        value 4.
78  wkbuf-stop-recording                         value 5.
78  wkbuf-is-recording-active                    value 6.
78  wkbuf-start-recording-file                   value 7.
78  wkbuf-start-recording-file-append            value 8.
78  wkbuf-load-from-file                         value 9.
78  jget-laf-font                                value 1.
78  jget-laf-color                               value 2.
78  cmonitor-get-no-monitor                      value 0.
78  cmonitor-get-monitor-info                    value 1.
78  cprel-error                                  value 0.
78  cprel-starting                               value 1.
78  cprel-in-progress                            value 2.
78  cprel-completed                              value 3.
78  cxml-parse-file                              value 1.
78  cxml-release-parser                          value 2.
78  cxml-get-first-child                         value 3.
78  cxml-get-next-sibling                        value 4.
78  cxml-get-parent                              value 5.
78  cxml-get-data                                value 6.
78  cxml-get-attribute-count                     value 7.
78  cxml-get-attribute                           value 8.
78  cxml-get-last-error                          value 9.
78  cxml-open-file                               value 10.
78  cxml-parse-string                            value 11.
78  cxml-parse-next-record                       value 12.
78  cxml-get-prev-sibling                        value 13.
78  cxml-new-parser                              value 14.
78  cxml-get-attribute-by-name                   value 15.
78  cxml-get-child-by-name                       value 16.
78  cxml-get-child-by-cdata                      value 17.
78  cxml-get-child-by-attr-name                  value 18.
78  cxml-get-child-by-attr-value                 value 19.
78  cxml-get-sibling-by-name                     value 20.
78  cxml-get-sibling-by-cdata                    value 21.
78  cxml-get-sibling-by-attr-name                value 22.
78  cxml-get-sibling-by-attr-value               value 23.
78  cxml-get-comment                             value 24.
78  cxml-set-data                                value 25.
78  cxml-modify-cdata                            value 25.
78  cxml-modify-attribute-value                  value 26.
78  cxml-add-child                               value 27.
78  cxml-add-sibling                             value 28.
78  cxml-add-attribute                           value 29.
78  cxml-add-comment                             value 30.
78  cxml-append-comment                          value 31.
78  cxml-delete-attribute                        value 32.
78  cxml-delete-element                          value 33.
78  cxml-delete-comment                          value 34.
78  cxml-write-file                              value 35.
78  cxml-get-proc-instr-count                    value 36.
78  cxml-get-proc-instr                          value 37.
78  cxml-set-proc-instr                          value 38.
78  cxml-get-version                             value 39.
78  cxml-set-version                             value 40.
78  cxml-get-encoding                            value 41.
78  cxml-set-encoding                            value 42.
78  cxml-get-standalone                          value 43.
78  cxml-set-standalone                          value 44.
78  cxml-write-string                            value 48.
01  listdir-file-information.
    03  listdir-file-type                        pic x.
        88  listdir-file-type-directory          value "D".
        88  listdir-file-type-regular-file       value "F".
        88  listdir-file-type-unknown            value "U".
    03  listdir-file-creation-time.
        05  ldfc-year                            pic xx comp-x.
        05  ldfc-month                           pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfc-day                             pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfc-hour                            pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfc-minute                          pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfc-second                          pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfc-hundreths                       pic x comp-x.
    03  listdir-file-last-access-time.
        05  ldfla-year                           pic xx comp-x.
        05  ldfla-month                          pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfla-day                            pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfla-hour                           pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfla-minute                         pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfla-second                         pic x comp-x.
        05  ldfla-hundreths                      pic x comp-x.
    03  listdir-file-last-modification-time.
        05  ldflm-year                           pic xx comp-x.
        05  ldflm-month                          pic x comp-x.
        05  ldflm-day                            pic x comp-x.
        05  ldflm-hour                           pic x comp-x.
        05  ldflm-minute                         pic x comp-x.
        05  ldflm-second                         pic x comp-x.
        05  ldflm-hundreths                      pic x comp-x.
    03  listdir-file-size                        pic x(8comp-x.
01 wsave-options.
   03 wsave-format                               pic x(1).  
      88 wsave-png                               values "P"" ".
      88 wsave-bmp                               value  "B".
      88 wsave-gif                               value  "G".
      88 wsave-jpg                               value  "J".
   03 wsave-other.
      05 wsave-quality                           pic 9(10comp-x.
      05 wsave-transparency                      redefines wsave-quality.
         07 filler                               pic 9(1comp-x.
            88 no-transparency                   value 0 false 1.
         07 wsave-transparent-color              pic 9(9comp-x.
   03 wsave-client-server                        pic x.
      88 wsave-server                            values "S"" ".
      88 wsave-client                            value  "C".
 01 cmonitor-data.
    03 cmonitor-usable-screen-height             pic x(2comp-x.
    03 cmonitor-usable-screen-width              pic x(2comp-x.
    03 cmonitor-physical-screen-height           pic x(2comp-x.
    03 cmonitor-physical-screen-width            pic x(2comp-x.
    03 cmonitor-start-y                          signed-int.
    03 cmonitor-start-x                          signed-int.