Reads a JSON stream and puts its content in the data item associated with the JSONStream object.
Format 1
void readFromString ( Json-Source )
Format 2
void readFromString ( Json-Source, encoding )
Syntax rules
1. Json-Source is an object reference to java.lang.String.
2. encoding is a string literal or data item that specified the character set to be used while parsing the JSON stream. It accepts the same values as the iscobol.encoding * configuration property.
General rules
1. When the read method is invoked, the whole content of Json-Source is read and the data item associated with the JSONStream object is updated.
NOTE - If the number of occurrences of a JSON field is not known at the time the program is written, specifying the DYNAMIC phrase of the OCCURS clause in the data item associated with the JSONStream object is recommended.
2. The following escapes are allowed: \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \" and \\. Any other character preceeded by a backslash is considered invalid and makes the read fail unless you set iscobol.jsonstream.allow_backslash_escaping_any_character (boolean) to true in the configuration.
Code example
configuration section.
    class jsonStream  as "com.iscobol.rts.JSONStream"
    class JString    as "java.lang.String"
working-storage section.
77 objJsonStream object reference jsonStream.
77 objString    object reference JString.
procedure division.