The EXECUTE statement executes a SQL statement.
Format 1
EXEC SQL [ AT Database ]
  [ FOR Iterations ]
  EXECUTE Prepared-Statement [ USING Host-Variable, ... ] [ INTO Host-Variable, ... ]
Format 2
EXEC SQL [ AT Database ]
  [ FOR Iterations ]
  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Statement [ USING Host-Variable, ... ] [ INTO Host-Variable, ... ]
Format 3
EXEC SQL [ AT Database ]
  EXECUTE  {BEGIN   }   [Plsql]
           {DECLARE }
Format 4
EXEC SQL [ AT Database ]
  EXECUTE Prepared-Statement [ { USING DESCRIPTOR } Sql-Descriptor ]
Syntax rules
1. Iterations can be either a host variable or a numeric literal. It specifies the number of rows to be processed.
2. Prepared-Statement is a Nonnumeric Literal, as defined in the Definitions section of the Preface of this document.
3. Host-Variable is a host variable.
4. Statement can be a host variable or a Nonnumeric Literal containing a complete SQL Statement.
5. Plsql is a Nonnumeric Literal containing a PL/SQL code.
6. Sql-Descriptor is a SQLDA structure. This syntax is compiled only if iscobol.compiler.esql.db2 (boolean) is set to ‘1’, ‘on’, ‘true’ or ‘yes’ in the Compiler configuration.
General rules
1. Prepared-Statement must be previously defined by a PREPARE statement.
2. The FOR clause limits the number of times the statement is executed when the USING clause contains array host variables If you omit this clause,it executes the statement once for each component of the smallest array.
3. The isCOBOL compiler does not analyze PL/SQL language. It only manages the host variables.
The host variables management is conditioned by the HOSTVAR Directive, the iscobol.compiler.esql.procedure.ProcedureName configuration property and the iscobol.esql.default_param_type configuration property.
4. Database identifies the active connection that will execute the query and must be previously defined using a Format 4 DECLARE statement.
Format 1 - Execute a prepared statement to count records that meet a criteria
*> count_recs does not need to be defined prior to
*> their use in the prepare statement
*> min-key and the-count could be pic 9(4) each
exec sql
     prepare count_recs from 
        "select count(*) from cust_table where cust_code > ?"
move 1990 to min-key
exec sql
     execute count_recs using :min-key 
             into :the-count
display "Count of records with key > " min-key " : " the-count
Format 2 - Execute inmmediate a statement to count records that meet a criteria
move 1990 to min-key
exec sql
     execute immediate 
             "select count(*) from cust_table where cust_code > ?"
             using :min-key 
             into :the-count
display "Count of records with key > " min-key " : " the-count
Format 3 - To be used with Oracle Databases only using PL/SQL
exec sql
        bonus REAL;
        FOR emp_rec IN (SELECT empno, sal, comm FROM emp) LOOP
           bonus := (emp_rec.sal * 0.05) + (emp_rec.comm * 0.25);
           INSERT INTO bonuses VALUES (emp_rec.empno, bonus);
        END LOOP;