Download and install isCOBOL Evolve SDK
3. Sign in with your User ID and Password.
4. Click on the "Download Software" link.
5. Scroll down to the list of files for Windows x64 64-bit or Windows x86 32-bit. Select isCOBOL_2021_R1_n_Windows.arc.msi, where n is the build number and arc is the system architecture.
6. Run the downloaded installer to install the files.
Note - If your Windows has the option "Run as Administrator", you should run the setup with that option, otherwise the setting of environment variables might silently fail. Environment variables setting is not necessary if you work from the isCOBOL Shell (explained later).
7. Select "isCOBOL Compiler and Runtime Environment" and "isCOBOL RemoteCompiler" from the list of products when prompted.

8. Select your JDK when prompted

9. Follow the wizard procedure to the end. In the process you will be asked to provide the installation path ("C:\Veryant" by default) and license keys. You can skip license activation and perform it later, as explained in
Activate the License.
10. You will also be asked if you want to install the RemoteCompiler as a system service or not. If you don’t install the service, you will have to start the RemoteCompiler in foreground mode from a command prompt as explained in
Server configuration. See
Windows service and Unix daemon for details about the system service.

Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OSX and SunOS
3. Sign in with your User ID and Password.
4. Click on the "Download Software" link.
5. Scroll down, and select the appropriate .tar.gz file for the product and platform you require.
6. Extract all contents of the archive. For example,
on Linux 32 bit:
gunzip isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_Linux.32.i586.tar.gz tar -xvf isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_Linux.32.i586.tar |
on Linux 64 bit:
gunzip isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_Linux.64.x86_64.tar.gz tar -xvf isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_Linux.64.x86_64.tar |
on FreeBSD:
gunzip isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_FreeBSD.64.tar.gz tar -xvf isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_FreeBSD.64.tar |
on Mac OSX:
gunzip isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_MacOSX.64.x86_64.tar.gz tar -xvf isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_MacOSX.64.x86_64.tar |
on SunOS:
gunzip isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_SunOS.64.tar.gz tar -xvf isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_SunOS.64.tar |
7. Change to the "isCOBOL2021R1" folder and run "./setup", you will obtain the following output:
=============================================================================== isCOBOL EVOLVE Installation For isCOBOL Release 2021R1 Copyright (c) 2005 - 2021 Veryant =============================================================================== Install Components: [0] All products...................................... (no) [1] isCOBOL Compiler (includes [2] & [3])............. (yes) [2] isCOBOL Runtime (includes [3]).................... (no) [3] isCOBOL ThinClient................................ (no) [4] isCOBOL RemoteCompiler............................ (no) [5] isCOBOL EIS....................................... (no) [6] isCOBOL DatabaseBridge............................ (no) [7] isCOBOL Server.................................... (no) [8] isCOBOL WebClient................................. (no) [9] isCOBOL LoadBalancer.............................. (no) [10] isCOBOL Mobile.................................... (no) Install Path: [P] isCOBOL parent directory: UserHome JDK Path: [J] JDK install directory: JavaHome [S] Start Install [Q] Quit ============================================================================== Please press [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P J S Q ] |
8. Type "4", then press Enter to select isCOBOL RemoteCompiler.
9. (optional) Type "P", then press Enter to provide a custom installation path, if you don’t want to keep the default one.
10. Type "S", then press Enter to start the installation.
Note - if the setup script is not available for your Unix platform or you don’t want to use it, just extract the tgz content to the folder where you want isCOBOL to be installed.
isCOBOL Evolve for UNIX/Linux provides shell scripts in the isCOBOL "bin" directory for compiling, running, and debugging programs. These scripts make use of two environment variables, ISCOBOL to locate the isCOBOL installation directory and ISCOBOL_JDK_ROOT to locate the JDK installation directory. To use these scripts set these environment variables and add the isCOBOL "bin" directory to your PATH.
For example, if you install isCOBOL in "/opt/isCOBOL" and your JDK is in "/opt/java/jdk1.8.0":
export ISCOBOL=/opt/isCOBOL export ISCOBOL_JDK_ROOT=/opt/java/jdk1.8.0 export PATH=$ISCOBOL/bin:$PATH |
Other Unix
A dedicated setup is provided for the following Unix platforms:
• Linux 32 bit
• Linux 64 bit
• FreeBSD
• Mac OSX 64 bit
• SunOS
If you need to install isCOBOL on another Unix platform, you can use the platform independent setup.
This setup includes only the cross platform items while it lacks native items. Contact Veryant if you need the porting of a native item to your Unix platform.
Instructions for the installation of the platform independent setup are provided below.
3. Sign in with your User ID and Password.
4. Click on the "Download Software" link.
5. Scroll down to the "Platform Independent" section and select isCOBOL_2021_R1_n_noarch.tar.gz, where n is the build number.
Extract all contents of the archive:
gunzip isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_noarch.tar.gz tar -xvf isCOBOL_2021_R1_*_noarch.tar |
Distribution Files
For information on a specific distribution file, please see the README file installed with the product.