Micro Focus file conversion
In order to convert an existing Micro Focus file to JIsam, use either the command:
jutil –convert <filename> <directory> |
or the command:
iscrun -utility jutil –convert <filename> <directory> |
The –convert option of JUTIL is used to create a new JISAM indexed file with records loaded from an existing Micro Focus IDX3, IDX8 or CISAM indexed file.
-convert uses the Micro Focus “rebuild” utility on Windows and UNIX/Linux and requires rebuild to be in the user’s PATH environment.
By running rebuild, JUTIL gets the input file information, then the input file is converted into a binary sequential file. An empty JISAM file is generated and records are transferred from the sequential file to the JISAM file. JUTIL runs rebuild using the -n and -o:ind,seq options; ensure that your copy of rebuild supports such options, otherwise the file conversion will not be possible.
The directory parameter specifies the target directory for the created JISAM indexed file. The directory must be specified, or can be specified with a dot (.) to indicate the current directory. The target directory must first exist.
A session file with the description of the indexed file is left on disc at the end of the process. You can use this file to create a JISAM file with the same structure with JUTIL –gen, if you need. See
JIsam file generation for details.