This property identifies the bitmap strip handle to be used for the Entry-Field.
Bitmaps are not shown in Entry-Fields with one of the following styles: Auto-Spin, Multiline, Spinner.
Example - Define an entry-field control with leading and trailing images and hints do be displayed when the mouse goes over them
screen section.
  03 screen-1-ef-2 Entry-Field
     line 35.5
     column 49.7
     size 13.1 cells 
     lines 4.6 cells 
     bitmap-handle bmp-strip
     bitmap-width 16
     bitmap-number 1
     bitmap-disabled 2
     bitmap-rollover 3
     bitmap-hint "This is the bitmap on the left"
     bitmap-trailing-number 4
     bitmap-trailing-disabled 5
     bitmap-trailing-rollover 6
     bitmap-trailing-hint "This is the bitmap on the right"
     id 19