This property set or retrieves the cursor position inside an entry-field. If the value "-1" is assigned to this property, the whole text in the entry-field is selected and the cursor is positioned at the end of it.
Note that if it is necessary to position the cursor in a multi line entry-field, the Cursor-Col and Cursor-Row properties should be used.
Example - Get the cursor position of an entry-field control
working-storage section.
77 ws-cur-col pic 9(3).
screen section.
  03 screen-1-ef-2 Entry-Field
     line 35.5
     column 49.7
     size 13.1 cells 
     lines 4.6 cells 
     color 296
     id 19
procedure division.
  inquire screen-1-ef-2 cursor ws-cur-col