{ Vscroll | Vscroll-Bar }
The user can scroll the content of a multi line entry-field with the up/down arrows. In this way, the height of the entry-field can be lower than the number of lines it can display.
Same as the VSCROLL style, but here a vertical scroll bar is displayed on the right side of the entry-field.
By setting either the VSCROLL style or the VSCROLL-BAR style, the Multiline style is implied.
Example - Define an entry-field with multiline style, that has more lines that can be visible and a vertical scroll-bar to scroll thru them
screen section.
  03 screen-1-ef-4 Entry-Field
     line 40.6
     column 47.5
     size 22.2 cells 
     lines 12.3 cells 
     id 21
     max-lines 10