When this style is set, the first column of the Grid control is treated as a heading. The content of the column headings cannot be changed by the user. Row headings may have a different color (see the Heading-Background-Color, Heading-Color and Heading-Foreground-Color properties), and a different font (see the Heading-Font property).
Example - Define a grid with row-headings style
screen section
  03 screen-1-gr-1 Grid
     line 5.7
     column 3.1
     size 34.6 cells 
     lines 15.5 cells 
     id 1
     event procedure screen-1-gr-1-evt-proc
     lm-on-columns 1
     row-dividers 1
     end-color 9
     heading-color 200
     cursor-frame-width 3
     num-col-headings 1
     num-rows 5