This property activates the ability to select multiple rows in a List-Box.
The possible values, defined in isgui.def, are:
lssm-single-selection (value 1)
It’s possible to select a single row at a time.
In this mode, if the Check-List style is set, radio buttons are shown before the List-Box items.
lssm-single-interval-selection (value 2)
It’s possible to select more contiguous rows at a time.
If the Check-List style is set, the same effect of lssm-multiple-interval-selection (value 4) is obtained.
lssm-multiple-interval-selection (value 4)
It’s possible to select more rows at a time, even if they’re not contiguous.
In this mode, if the Check-List style is set, check boxes are shown before the List-Box items.
The list of the selected items can be retrieved by inquiring the property Rows-Selected.
Example - Define a list-box checked where multiple rows can be selected:
screen section.
  03 screen-1-lbc-1 List-Box
     line 5.7
     column 3.1
     size 34.6 cells 
     lines 15.5 cells 
     id 1
     selection-mode 4