A Ribbon is a set of controls that are placed within a tool-bar.
Ribbons have a header line followed by a Tab-Control.
The header line is used to host bitmap buttons whose size is 16x16 pixels. If no buttons are added to the header line, then the header line is not shown. In order to add a bitmap button to the header line, the ON HEADER style must be applied to the button; the runtime takes care of resizing the button icon to 16x16 if necessary.
The tab-control in the Ribbon is a Tab-Control with
Allow-Container and
Multiline styles and it’s used to host tool-bar items, that are usually buttons.
Since controls in Ribbon cannot be activated with the keyboard, the Ribbon should contain only shortcuts to commands that can be activated elsewhere with the keyboard. Usually, it replicates menu functions.
Controls are added to the Ribbon using a Format 2 DISPLAY statement.
The following statement adds a push-button to the header line:
display push-button bitmap bitmap-handle copy-icon bitmap-number 1 exception-value 101 title "copy" on-header upon screen-1-rbn-1. |
The following statement adds a push-button to the first page of the tab-control area:
display push-button bitmap bitmap-handle copy-icon bitmap-number 1 exception-value 101 title "copy" upon screen-1-rbn-1(1). |