This property is used to set the width, in cells, of the tab identified by the Tab-Index property.
The tab width is applicable only to Tab-Controls with the Tab-Flat style and without the Accordion style.
When values are enclosed between parentheses, the Tab-Index property is ignored, the 1st value refers to the 1st panel, the 2nd value refers to the 2nd panel and so on.
Example - Define a tab-control with three tabs where each tab has a different width
screen section.
  03 screen-1-tc-1 Tab-Control
     tab-to-add ("Page 1" "Page 2 " "Page 3")
     tab-widths (15 20 10)
     line 2.8
     column 25.7
     size 34.6 cells 
     lines 28.9 cells 
     tab-background-color 0
     tab-foreground-color 15
     tab-rollover-color 13
     id 10
     bitmap-width 16