isCOBOL Evolve : User Interface : Controls Reference : WINDOW : Styles : { Auto-Resize | Resizable }
{ Auto-Resize | Resizable }
When either the AUTO-RESIZE style or the RESIZABLE style is set, the window can be resized by the user. Minimum and maximum size are defined by the Min-Size, Min-Lines, Max-Size and Max-Lines properties.
The window can be resized and scroll-bars are automatically provided if the window becomes smaller than its content. No event is fired.
The window can be resized and the NTF-RESIZED event is fired. Recalculating the content position and size is committed to the programmer.
For windows without the RESIZABLE style, Min-Size, Min-Lines, Max-Size and Max-Lines are ignored.
Example - Display a window with resizable style and maximum and minimum dimensions when resizing
working-storage section.
77 window-handle usage handle of window.
procedure division.
  display standard  window background-low
          screen line 41
          screen column 91
          size 22.1
          lines 18.1
          cell width 10
          cell height 10
          label-offset 20
          control font Default-Font
          color 257
          no wrap
          title "Screen"
          max-size 50.0
          min-size 5.0
          min-lines 5.0
          max-lines 30.0
          handle window-handle