c-treeRTG for isCOBOL : SQL Engine and Replication Licensing
SQL Engine and Replication Licensing
c-tree is provided with an initial license that allows:
unlimited ISAM server features
limited SQL server features
no data replication features
The SQL Engine works for three hours from the c-tree startup and allows a maximum of 4 concurrent connections.
In order to unlock the SQL server and take advantage of SQL features without limitations, you need to purchase a license.
The same is applicable to the enablement of data replication features.
Contact your Veryant representative to purchase a license. You will be provided with a file named ctsrvr########.lic . In order to install the license
1. stop the c-tree service if it’s running
2. replace ctsrvr########.lic in the c-tree installation folder with the new one
3. (re)start the c-tree service