The dbload utilityloads records from an input data file into tables of a c-tree SQL database.
dbload -f commands_file [options] database_name
command_file is the script file containing the load commands. Consult http://www.faircom.com/doc/isql/ (Data Load Utility: dbload -> The Commands File) for details on this kind of files. The following snippet shows a sample command_file:
     DEFINE RECORD ord_rec AS
         ( ord_no, item_name, date, item_qty ) FIELD DELIMITER ' ' ;
     FOR EACH RECORD ord_rec FROM ord_in
         INSERT INTO ADMIN.orders (order_no, product, order_date, qty)
         VALUES (ord_no, item_name, date, item_qty) ;
database_name is the name of the destination database
options can be one or more of the following:
o -u user_name: user name to connect to the database.
o -a password: password to connect to the database.
o -z maximum multiple inserts: maximum number of records to be inserted at one time in each bulk insert (used to improve performance)
o -l logfile: the file into which the error logging is done. stderr is the default.
o -b badfile: the file into which the bad rows that were not loaded, are written. By default badfile is put in the current directory.
o -c commit_frequency: the specified number of records before committing the transaction. The default frequency is 100 records.
o -e maxerrs: the maximum number of tolerable errors. The default number is 50 errors.
o -s skipcount: skip the specified number of rows in the first data file. If multiple files are specified, the rows are skipped only in the first file. The default is 0.
o -m maxrows: stop storing rows at the specified number.
-n: parse the commands file and display errors, if any, without doing the database load.