Offline Backup
c-tree files can be copied using external tools and commands without side effects only when the c-tree server is either down or quiesced. Copying the files while the c-tree server is operational might lead to a corrupted backup copy.
To perform an offline backup with the c-tree server down, follow these steps:
1. launch the ctadmn command line utility and log in with administrator credentials
2. choose option 7 (Stop Server) and confirm when prompted. This message will appear
Server Termination Initiated.
Session Completed.
The shutdown can be activated also with a less interactive command line utility, ctstop.
3. copy the files using system commands or third party utilities
4. restart the c-tree server
To perform an offline backup with the c-tree server quiesced, follow these steps:
1. launch the ctadmn command line utility and log in with administrator credentials
2. choose option 8 (Quiesce Server) and wait for the following message to appear:
Successful Quiesce.
It is now safe to perform a system backup of c-tree Server's controlled files.
Press RETURN once the backup is completed to resume the c-tree Server.
Press RETURN to continue...
Note - while the server is quiesced, all client processes (including COBOL programs) block at the next i-o operation and wait for the ctsrvr to finish the backup.
The quiesce mode can be activated also with a less interactive command line utility, ctquiet.
3. copy the files using system commands or third party utilities
4. return to the ctadmn screen and press ENTER