isCOBOL Application Server : Client deployment : Deployment through setup programs
Deployment through setup programs
Veryant provides executable setup programs for Windows and tgz archives for Unix/Linux. The client machines should be provided with the proper setup files and the user should follow these steps in order to run programs in thin client.
1. install either isCOBOL_yyyy_R_n_Windows_arc.msi (it requires Java installed on the machine) or isCOBOL_yyyy_R_n_THIN_Windows_arc.msi (it doesn’t require Java on the machine as it installs its own JVM) where where yyyy is the year, R is the release number, n is the build number and arc is the system architecture.
2. open the isCOBOL Shell from the Windows Start menu. The isCOBOL Shell is available in the isCOBOL programs group.
3. Run one of the commands documented in Usage of isCOBOL Client.
1. Unpack the tgz in a folder of your choice
2. add the isCOBOL bin directory to the $PATH
3. Run one of the commands documented in Usage of isCOBOL Client.