isCOBOL Database Bridge : EDBI Routines : EDBI Standard Routines
EDBI Standard Routines
EDBI standard routines are included in the runtime library (iscobol.jar).
You will find the edbisource directory, where all of the source code of internal EDBI routines under the easydb directory on a standard isCOBOL root installation. You can customize their code and rely on the compile scripts stored in the same directory to create a customized library whose classes will be used as replacement of the default ones.
Three of the routines, EDBI-COMMIT.cbl, EDBI-ROLLBACK.cbl and EDBI-CONNECT.cbl allow users to adapt SQL during COMMIT, ROLLBACK and CONNECT step.
Twelve of the COBOL routines are for data conversion, EDBI-DT6DCBDB.cbl, EDBI-DT6DDBCB.cbl, EDBI-DT6MCBDB.cbl, EDBI-DT6MDBCB.cbl, EDBI-DT6YCBDB.cbl, EDBI-DT6YDBCB.cbl, EDBI-DT8DCBDB.cbl, EDBI-DT8DDBCB.cbl, EDBI-DT8MCBDB.cbl, EDBI-DT8MDBCB.cbl, EDBI-DT8YCBDB.cbl, EDBI-DT8YDBCB.cbl.
If you wish to customize one or more of these routines, proceed as follows:
1. edit the source code of the EDBI routine that you wish to customize
2. compile the routine with -sysc option
3. put the resulting class file in a folder or a jar library
4. add the folder or the jar to the beginning of the Classpath setting