COBOL REST producer
In order to develop a COBOL REST producer (server-side), to process requests and provide data, the COBOL program has to be transformed to be executed like a Web Service REST. This objective is achieved through the HTTPHandler class that allows communication with HTML pages through AJAX retrieving data and printing results.
In the isCOBOL sample folder you will find the folder eis/webservices/rest that contains an example of a COBOL REST producer (REST Web Service) and an example of a COBOL REST consumer to be used to test the service.
In the server folder there is a COBOL source program called "ISFUNCTIONS.cbl" that exposes two services: ISFUNCTION_GETZIP and ISFUNCTION_GETCITY that allow searching a US city name by zip code or by name.
This program has three entries:
MAIN, the default entry where the values to be used are loaded from the JSON stream:
           move "94101"         to  a-zipcode(1).
           move "San Francisco" to  a-city(1).
           move "San Francisco" to  a-county(1).
           move "California"    to  a-state(1).
           move "92123"         to  a-zipcode(2).
           move "San Diego"     to  a-city(2).
           move "San Diego"     to  a-county(2).
           move "California"    to  a-state(2).
           move "10001"         to  a-zipcode(3).
           move "New York"      to  a-city(3).
           move "New York"      to  a-county(3).
           move "New York"      to  a-state(3).
           move "89044"         to  a-zipcode(4).
           move "Las Vegas"     to  a-city(4).
           move "Clark"         to  a-county(4).
           move "Nevada"        to  a-state(4).
           move "Program Loaded" to ok-message;;
           comm-area:>displayJSON (ok-page).
ISFUNCTION_GETZIP, a COBOL entry point that receives into isfunction-getZipCode working storage structure, a name of a US city and returns the zip code into isfunction-returnZipCode as JSON stream using displayJSON() method:
           entry "ISFUNCTION_GETZIP" using comm-area.
           comm-area:>accept (isfunction-getZipCode).
           move 1 to idx.
           search array-data varying idx
              at end 
                 move "Zip code not Found"  to returnZipCode
              when city-zipCode = a-city(idx)
                 move a-zipcode(idx)  to returnZipCode
           comm-area:>displayJSON (isfunction-returnZipCode).
where isfunction-getZipCode working storage structure is defined like:
       01  isfunction-getZipCode identified by "".
           03 identified by "get_Zip_Code".
              05 city-zipCode  pic x any length.
and isfunction-returnZipCode working storage structure is defined like:
       01  isfunction-returnZipCode identified by "".
           03 identified by "Zip_Code".
              05 returnZipCode  pic x any length.
ISFUNCTION_GETCITY, a COBOL entry point that receives into isfunction-getCity working storage structure, a zip code of a US city and return the city name into isfunction-retrievedCity variable as JSON stream using displayJSON() method:
           entry "ISFUNCTION_GETCITY" using comm-area.
           comm-area:>accept (isfunction-getCity). 
           move 1 to idx.
           search array-data varying idx
              at end 
                 move "City not Found"  to returnCity
              when zipCode-city(1:5) = a-zipcode(idx)
                 move a-city(idx)  to returnCity
           comm-area:>displayJSON (isfunction-retrievedCity).
where isfunction-getCity working storage structure is defined like:
       01  isfunction-getcity identified by "".
             03 identified by "get_City".
                05 zipCode-city  pic x any length.
and isfunction-retrievedCity working storage structure is defined like:
       01  isfunction-retrievedCity identified by "".
           03 identified by "City".
              05 returnCity  pic x any length.
In order to have this ISFUNCTIONS.cbl working correctly, it should be deployed inside a Java Servlet container like Tomcat, WildFly (ex JBoss AS), IBM WebSphere or BEA WebLogic.