CALL "A$GET_USER" USING threadID ID userName userAddr userComp prog GIVING returnCode |
threadID | PIC 9(n) | Specifies the threadID to query |
ID | PIC X(n) | Receives the user ID. If it is zero, it means that the user is an administrator, if it is –1, it means that no login has been made |
userName | PIC X(n) | Receives the user name. If no login has been made, it’s set to the operating system user name |
userAddr | PIC X(n) | Receives the IP address of the client machine[*] |
userComp | PIC X(n) | Receives the name of the client machine[*]. If the computer name can’t be retrieved, the IP address is returned in this field. |
prog | PIC X(n) | Receives the name of the program launched by the client or the name of the last program called through CHAIN statement. The special value "File server" identifies a connection to the isCOBOL File Server. The special value "Server Call Session" identifies a remote call. The text between square brackets tells the name of the program that was remotely called. See Remote objects for details. |
0 | Operation successful |
-1 | An error occurred |
*> Define in working-storage threadID and returnCode as pic 9(n) *> and all other parameters as pic x(n) *> threadID should be sent as input parameter, all others will be *> output parameters (use a$getthread or a$list-users to obtain *> a threadID before the following call) call "a$get_user" using threadID user-id user-name user-ip-address user-computer-name user-program-name giving returnCode |