Function name | Function type | Argument number | Argument type | Description |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Absolute value of the argument passed | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Arccosine of argument | |
Numeric | 2 | Numeric | Annuity of the arguments | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Arcsine of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Arctangent of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | Decimal representation of binary data | |
Numeric | 1 | any | Length of argument in number of bytes | |
Numeric | 1 | Occurs | Current capacity of a dynamic capacity table | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Integer | Character in position of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Cosine of argument | |
Alphanumeric | 0 | Current date and time and difference from Greenwich Mean Time | ||
Integer | 1 | Integer | Standard date equivalent (YYYYMMDD) of integer date | |
Integer | 2 | Integer | Date with four digits year of a date with two digits year. The second optional parameter is the threshold (default 50) | |
Integer | 1 | Integer | Julian date equivalent (YYYYDDD) of integer date | |
Integer | 2 | Integer | Date with four digits year of a date with two digits year. in the format YYddd The second optional parameter is the threshold (default 50) | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Numeric | Binary representation of decimal data | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Numeric | Hexadecimal representation of decimal data | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Numeric | Octal representation of decimal data | |
Alphanumeric | 2 | National | Character representation of a national value | |
Numeric | 0 | The value of E, the natural base | ||
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | E raised to the power of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | E raised to the power of argument | |
Integer | 1 | Integer | Factorial of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Fraction part of argument | |
Integer | 1 | Integer | resource identified by the handle | |
Numeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | Decimal representation of hexadecimal data | |
Integer | 1 | Numeric | The greatest integer not greater than argument | |
Integer | 1 | Integer | Integer date equivalent of standard date (YYYYMMDD) | |
Integer | 1 | Integer | Integer date equivalent of Julian date (YYYYDDD) | |
Integer | 1 | Numeric | Integer part of argument | |
Integer | 1 | any | Length of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Natural logarithm of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Logarithm to base 10 of argument | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | All letters in the argument are set to lowercase | |
any | arbitrary | any | Value of maximum argument | |
Numeric | arbitrary | Numeric | Arithmetic mean of arguments | |
Numeric | arbitrary | Numeric | Median of arguments | |
Numeric | arbitrary | Numeric | Mean of minimum and maximum arguments | |
any | arbitrary | any | Value of minimum argument | |
Integer | 2 | Integer | argument 1 modulo argument 2 | |
National | 2 | Alphanumeric | National representation of a character string | |
Numeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | Numeric value of simple numeric string | |
Numeric | 2 | Alphanumeric | Numeric value of numeric string with optional commas and currency sign | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Decimal representation of octal data | |
Integer | 1 | Alphanumeric | Ordinal position of the argument in collating sequence | |
Integer | 1 | any | Ordinal position of maximum argument | |
Integer | 1 | any | Ordinal position of minimum argument | |
Numeric | 0 | Value of pi | ||
Numeric | 2 | Numeric | Present value of a series of future period-end amounts, argument 2 at a discount rate of argument 1 | |
Numeric | 1 | Integer | Random number between 0 and 1 | |
Numeric | arbitrary | Numeric | Value of maximum argument minus value of minimum argument | |
Numeric | 2 | Numeric | Remainder of arg 1 / arg 2 | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | Reverse order of the characters of the argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | 1 if argument is positive 0 if argument is zero -1 if argument is negative | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Sine of argument | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Square root of argument | |
Numeric | arbitrary | Numeric | Standard deviation of arguments | |
Numeric | arbitrary | Numeric | Sum of arguments | |
Numeric | 1 | Numeric | Tangent of argument | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | The argument is trimmed | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | The argument is left trimmed | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | The argument is right trimmed | |
Alphanumeric | 1 | Alphanumeric | All letters in the argument are set to uppercase | |
Numeric | arbitrary | Numeric | Variance of argument | |
Alphanumeric | 0 | Date and time program was compiled | ||
Numeric | 2 | Numeric | Four digits year of the first argument, the second optional parameter is the threshold (default 50) |